In the layers of our energy field we carry lots of information including the light of the universe, spiritual information and ancient knowledge. I love to teach others to clean and harness this energy to create coherence and to feel divine magnificence. It is in our human design to experience higher levels of enlightenment, to access the souls' wisdom and to shine in our true essence.
My name is Andonia Fthenakis
My specialty is Energetic Healing Arts. Healing for the earth, our heart and soul through Energy Medicine and the Holistic Healing Arts. I am a native New Yorker with deep roots in Greece. The desire to heal from my own trauma led me on the path to discover ancient healing practices, from CranioSacral Unwinding, Reiki, Sound Healing, ThetaHealing, Tuning Fork Therapy, and Vocal Toning all valuable tools for creating coherence within the energy field. I offer both private and group sessions at my home Holistic Healing Arts studio in Port Washington NY.
After many years of witnessing immense healing through sound I became a Certified Sound and Vibrational Healing Practitioner from The Golden Drum of New York and The Cymascope Institute of Sonic Science and Cymatics with John Stewart Reid. I hold a certificate of Excellence in Healing Arts Therapies from Life Energy Institute with Gary Strauss, am a Usui Reiki Master, an Esoteric Visual Artist, 5Rhythms dancer and certified Vocal Sound Healing Coach.
While experimenting with the Healing Art Therapies, I created and practice what I now call "Sonic Alchemy" which combines sound therapy with crystal, botanical, and flower essence therapy. Sonic Alchemy is a unique healing modality that aligns oneself into a state of quantum coherence where all aspects of ourselves (mind, body and spirit) are in resonance with each other. This somatic relational therapy creates a coherence which unwinds the nervous system and allows the body intelligence to self heal.
My personal desire to heal from life threatening illness led me on a path to discover my innate healing capacities and to achieve my goals holistically using ancient healing practices. In my teens undiagnosable ovarian pain left me helpless in chronic pain. In my 20's a physician's recommendation lead to a chemical burn to my entire face which perpetuated a disbelief in western medicine. Eventually my nervous system could not handle any more abuse and set me on a path that literally broke my back. Even though I was doing yoga regularly, by my 30's I was so wound up. Tumors from a rare bone disease, and a traumatic spinal cord injury paralyzed me for some time. The doctors said I will lose all my right brain functions, including going blind and possibly being crippled for life. Fueled by this disbelief, my journey of spiritual self empowerment began.
The force of the traumas brought me into a year-long ancestral retreat in a quiet seaside village in Crete. This is where my soul's awakening began. I began studies of Ancient Greek medicine, alchemy, spirituality, christianity, byzantine iconography, and reiki healing. And it was the practice of finding stillness, of quieting my mind, connecting to the earth and the creator of all that is that I understood that nutrition was not enough, that I needed to connect the heart to the mind… that I began listening to the messages from spirit.
and by my late 30's was given the most precious gift, the birth my children - two ecstatic radical home births.
Awakening my being into deeper and deeper listening. My heart cracked open, embodying these experiences and awaken a new version of me healing and growing on this unique path of Vibrational Medicine that has changed my life so that it may change yours too.
I discovered deep transformative progress in emotional and energetic healing and understood the essence of the work I am here to do. The deep understanding of the real purpose of suffering and adversity in life taught me that life is not made better through the mind or diet but through listening to the heart. The experience of deep seated chronic pain and trauma gave me my resiliency. I understood that we possess the innate ability to heal naturally. I discovered ancestral medicine, plant medicine, music and dance, sound healing, heartfelt teachers, and healers who all came to unfold the path. I have taken these teaching and condensed them into my treatments. I offer this to you. If you are open to allowing for a miracle it can happen to you!